Freeman's Table
Mat Freeman is an author, artist, performer and producer (and a recovering restaurant consultant). He's also typing this shit. I've done stuff and I do stuff. Like a YouTube game show, standup, this podcast. I paint, try to sell shirts, fail, try again, wallow. Then I write another podcast 'about' section to feel better about myself, fail, write it again... I started this with "interviews", transitioned to a game show, and I can only imagine what it is at the time of you reading this.
Freeman's Table
GAME SHOW 17 Baldwin vs. Brooks
Mike Baldwin vs. Clark Brooks
Episode 17
Link to Freeman's Table episodes on the all new Patreon site!
Many new little bells and whistles, but most importantly, we're ready to start up full steam again. Beginning with:
Baldwin vs. Brooks
Episode 17 relaunches the whole shabang with Mike Baldwin vs. Clark Brooks. Check it out the videos on Patreon and YouTube, or have a listen to this podcast version.
Support and watch on Patreon, or catch it a week later on the YouTube Channel.
Mike's Site: mikeisfunny.com
Clark's Site: clarkbrooks.com
For everything else about Freeman's Table games, visit FreemansTable.com!