Freeman's Table
Mat Freeman is an author, artist, performer and producer (and a recovering restaurant consultant). He's also typing this shit. I've done stuff and I do stuff. Like a YouTube game show, standup, this podcast. I paint, try to sell shirts, fail, try again, wallow. Then I write another podcast 'about' section to feel better about myself, fail, write it again... I started this with "interviews", transitioned to a game show, and I can only imagine what it is at the time of you reading this.
Freeman's Table
GAME SHOW 02 Curry vs. Hicken
JJ Curry vs. Ricky Hicken
Episode 2
Curry vs. Hicken
JJ Curry competes against Ricky Hicken in the Freeman's Table Games. Three rounds of Firin' Dice, Any Wurdle Do and Whatta Ya Know, with a bonus round of End Begins.
JJ is a comedian from Georgia who served in the US Air Force, and now finds himself in Florida. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram.
Ricky is a comedian, Florida native, and father of two, who doesn't have time for links where you can find him and crawl up his ass.
For all Freeman's Table Games info, visit FreemansTable.com!