Ziegler vs. Williams
Amanda Ziegler and Matt Williams are back for a rematch on the Freeman's Table Games. We're still playing Firin' Dice, Any Wurdle Do and Whatta Ya Know, but instead of winning with points, they're anglin' for the finish line of the new board game.
Both contestants join me from the How To Die Alone podcast, available at howtodiealone.podbean.com.
For all Freeman's Table Games info, visit FreemansTable.com!
Ziegler vs. Williams
Amanda Ziegler and Matt Williams are back for a rematch on the Freeman's Table Games. We're still playing Firin' Dice, Any Wurdle Do and Whatta Ya Know, but instead of winning with points, they're anglin' for the finish line of the new board game.
Both contestants join me from the How To Die Alone podcast, available at howtodiealone.podbean.com.
For all Freeman's Table Games info, visit FreemansTable.com!